Author Archives: Natural Hair Rules!!!

About Natural Hair Rules!!!

Tamara is the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Natural Hair Rules!!! Natural Hair Rules (NHR) was originally created as a personal hair journal. Since its creation in 2008, it has grown to one of the top natural hair/beauty blogs online today.

10 Tips For Growing Long Natural Hair

10 Tips For Growing Long Natural Hair

Natural Hair RulesHow do I get my hair to grow? faster? longer?

These are all common questions. Before we talk about any hair tips, its important for you to understand that your hair IS GROWING!!!

There are 3 common reasons why you’re not seeing any hair growth. You can read them here.

In most cases, your hair is breaking at the same rate that it was growing, given the appearance of stunted hair growth.

You may also want to read the Differences Between Hair Growth and Breakage.

Here are 10 Things that helped me see 6 inches of hair growth in a year

SEE ALSO: 7 Reasons Why Your Hair LOOKS Like It Stop Growing

Shampoo, Co-Wash and Rinse As Needed

Natural hair by nature is very porous, meaning has a high porosity, and mine is no different.

4 Tips to Lower Your Hair’s Porosity

My scalp and hair need to by cleansed and rehydrated at least every 4-5 days and sometimes, co-washed in between.

A clean scalp promotes healthy hair growth by removing build-up, dead skin, and other unwanted debris. Cleansing more frequently than once a week or twice a week is perfectly ok if you’re using a gentle sulfate-free cleanser.

I discussed this in more detail in my 10 Step Winter Natural Hair Care Guide.  In between shampoos, I Co-wash or Rinse (run water through my hair without shampoo or conditioner) my hair especially in summer. (Houston, TX has 100°+ heat and my hair needed it.)


Pay Attention To Those Ends

A lot of times we pay less attention to the oldest part of our hair, the ends. They are the last part to receive moisture and product, but they are the first to lose these things. In addition to trimming split damaged ends, you should apply your product for ends to tips. Always, always moisturize and seal your ends.

If you like these great FREE tips, you’ll LOVE my 12 page Winter Natural Hair Care Guide.

Less Manipulation

As much as I love to style my hair, it can be somewhat temperamental — and I’ve found that it thrives when left alone. I dare not comb or brush this tightly-curled hair daily, not even every other day. Low manipulation or protective styles, like twists or braids, protect my hair from manual breakage and moisture loss. 

Read: Why You Should Protective Style

Work In Sections

I have been blessed with a very thick head of hair. It’s beautiful, I love it, but it can be challenging. The longer my hair grows, the thicker it becomes.

Everything must be done in 4-6 sections, from shampooing to conditioning to moisturizing to detangling. These ensures full coverage.

Penetrating Oils Work Best

The first few years of my natural hair journey I would slather on the Shealoe (shea butter+ aloe vera gel). This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially in the winter. Shea butter is a natural moisturizer, great for sealing in the moisture.

The problem is, it only coats my hair. Lighter oils, like coconut or olive oil, actually absorb into the hair, giving it the ability to strengthen and reinforce the hair’s internal structure. Read more about the benefits of penetrating oils.

Read: 5 Ways Coconut Oil Prevents Hair Damage

The Hooded Dryer is Your Friend

I’m not sure how the hooded dryer got a bad rep, although I think there’s confusion about heat damage. There’s actually a greater chance of heat damage a with blow dryers than there ever will be with a hooded dryers, according to Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, author of The Science of Black Hair – hooded dryers are an indirect or diffused heat source.  With indirect heat, there is little or a zero chance of heat damage.

It’s very beneficial to sit under a dryer during deep-conditioning treatments because it will help your conditioner absorb more thoroughly. Plus, 30 – 45 mins under the dryer reduces air drying time and helps your style to set and last longer.

Buy: Hooded Dryer

Read: The Disadvantages of the ‘No-Heat Challenge’
Never Skip the Leave-In Conditioner

For some, a leave-in conditioner is optional. Not for me! Especially if I want beautifully, defined curls. I had a hair aha moment (an epiphany, really) when I used Giovanni Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner for the first time.

As I saw my curls defined and popping, I thought, “Yes, this is what I went natural for!” Leaving in your conditioner minimizes frizz, dryness, and flattens the hair cuticle for less tangles and moisture loss.

Take A Multivitamin

I know there are a lot of hair supplements on the market but I don’t trust them.  Many of the dosages are unregulated and way above the recommend daily dosage for these particular supplements.

Ingesting nutrients that your body isn’t deficiency of can be disastrous. Hypervitaminosis or vitamin poisoning can lead to adverse sideffects such as hair loss, acne, and even death…

Besides many nutrients relay on each other to actually get the job done.  For example biotin is almost ineffective if taken in absence of zinc to inhibit shedding.

A simple multivitamin and well balance diet is all you need for healthy hair.  Read more about vitamins for healthy hair.

Drink More Water for Hydrated Hair

When it comes to hair care it’s very easy to focus on the external.  It’s the same way with your skin — when you have dry skin or hair, you look for the nearest moisturizer.

Doing this only covers up dryness (not the most effective way to treat it).  Moisturize and nourish your hair and skin from the inside out by drinking water. I notice a huge difference in both my hair and skin when I’m drinking water daily.

 What’s your best tip for growing longer hair?

Tell me in the Comments below

6 DIY Hair Care Recipes for Your Complete Natural Hair Regimen

Here are 6 DIY  Hair Care Recipes for every step in your natural hair routine; from pre-shampoo treatment, scalp rinse, cleanser, deep conditioner, moisturizer, to a styling gel. One recipe even has a special ingredient… (Hint: its chocolate 😉 ) Click Through for  DIY Hair Care Recipes.

6 DIY Hair Care Recipes for Your Complete Natural Hair Regimen For many people, making the transition to wearing their natural hair is all about growing strong, healthy, chemical-free hair. For some, this may mean eliminating the use of any products that contain chemicals, or turning from the chemical relaxers and/or chemical hair dyes to more natural alternatives. Some just enjoy making their own products. Whatever your reasons, mixing up DIY hair care recipes at home is a cost efficient and much healthier alternative to using a lot of products that you see on the shelves.

  • Pre-Shampoo: Moisturizing Oil Treatment
  • Scalp & Hair Cleanser: Bentonite Clay Hair Mask
  • Hair Rinse: Apple Cider Vinegar & Tea Tree Rinse
  • Deep Conditioner: Chocolate Honey Hair Smoothie
  • Moisturizer: Shea & Jojoba Moisturizing Butter
  • Flaxseed & Aloe Vera Styling Gel

Click Next Page for the next recipe

Hairstory- Lauren

Hairstory- Lauren

curly hairHello world! My name is Lauren Brown, I am 21 years young and I have been natural for almost three years (July is my natural hair anniversary). I’ve come from the harsh worlds of permanents, colors, and weaves and made my way to big chopping and show stopping curls. Natural hair wasn’t big (or popular) in my family, so I decided to break the mold and begin an amazing natural journey and I have yet to look back.

1. How long have you been natural?

I have been natural for almost three years now. (I make three years on July 7th)

2. Why and how did you go natural? (Did you transition? What products and styles did you use?)

When I graduated high school, I decided to begin a new chapter in my life of learning how to love myself the way God made me. I had to realize that Jesus did not make a mistake when He created me and I really needed to stop trying to “fit in” or “be normal”.  So one day I took some scissors and chopped off my shoulder length hair in my bathroom. I mainly used BB’s pink moisturizer and gel (I had no idea what I was doing). The only styling option I had was to wear a super short curly afro.

3. Did you transition long term or do the big chop? Why?

I choose to big chop. I felt that I would have talked myself out of going natural if I would have transitioned. When I decided to big chop, it was the most liberating and freeing feeling I had ever felt. In my mind, I literally cut off all of the pressure and opinions of others I had cared about for so many years and finally began to live and look the way I wanted. I did not care how other people felt about it. (Everyone around me thought I was losing my mind)

4. Tell us about your hair regimen. What products and techniques do you use?  How do you keep your hair moisturized? What hairstyle do you rock religiously?

I wash my hair every Sunday. I began by prepooing with a generous amount of coconut oil the night before (helps my hair to retain moisture easily) Then I use a Sulfate free Shampoo like Shea Moisture’s Thickening Shampoo (the black bottle) and condition with Yes to Cucumbers Natural Hair Conditioner. (I deep condition once a month with One and Only Argan Oil Hydrating Mask) Afterwards I use Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie all throughout my hair as my leave in then seal it with Jojoba oil. Then I let it air dry. (I try to keep it simple)

5. How would you describe this experience?

Deciding to go natural has been one of the best choices I have ever made. I have been blessed to live my life unashamed of what others may think or say and I’ve also been blessed to inspire other women to go natural as well. I feel that one of the most fulfilling parts of this amazing journey is being able to inspire and encourage other women to begin to love themselves and accept that they are beautiful in every single way.

6. What have you learned since being natural (about yourself, your hair and other people)?

I have learned that going natural is not about comparing curl patterns, buying expensive products, or looking down on women who still use relaxers or wear weaves. It’s a sisterhood. It’s about loving and accepting yourself and not being afraid to reach out, be an example, and show other women that they are beautiful as well.

7. What advice would you give to those transitioning or concerning natural?

Go all in. The only way your truly going to enjoy the journey is to go forward and do not look back. Trust me; it will be well worth it. Also, remember to take photos of every stage you’re at. Enjoy your journey!

IMG_20140301_085544-1.jpgWhere we find you on social media?

Check me out:

Instagram: @curlylaurenj

Twitter: @curlylaurenj

Facebook: lauren.janee.9

The Tell Tale Signs it’s Time for a Trim


Keeping your ends in check is an important part of hair care but it can be hard to know when to trim your natural hair. While trimming doesn’t necessarily “make” your hair grow it enables you to retain more length. There was a time when I was once so scared of having my hair cut. However, what I didn’t realize is that by holding onto lifeless ends the health of my hair greatly diminished. Damaged ends also have a way of removing themselves on their own overtime which results in leaving you with a thin uneven appearance. Often times when it is time for a trim your hair will give you some warning signs that is time to remove those ends. Here are some signs you need a trim you will want to watch out for:

Trim Natural Hair when you are having a tough time detangling your hair.
If you notice getting through your hair is more difficult than usual this could be a sign that your ends are in need of maintenance. Scraggly ends tangle easy and turn detangling sessions into a nightmare.

Trim natural Hair when the ends have turned white.
This is a sign that your ends are just done! Remove those ends girl, it has dried up and has run its course. This tends to happen if you have colored your hair and haven’t kept up with maintaining moisture in your hair.

Trim Natural Hair when you look at your ends and the severe damage stands out in a dramatic way.
If looking at your ends reveals a plethora of single strand knots, splits, and jags it’s time to let them go.This is a sign that the ends have begun to remove themselves by snapping off and leaving you with thin uneven hair.

Trim Natural Hair when your hair doesn’t curl or style as easy.
Healthy hair produces more defined curls as opposed to damaged strands. If you find your hair has difficulty holding a curl this could be a sign that is time to trim those ends!

Aside from split ends taking away from the appearance of your hair, they often times will lead you to experience more breakage. Making the decision to trim is the best solution as no product can repair this damage. Products that claim to fix split ends only temporarily mend them.

Don’t be afraid to get your hair trimmed as it will only make your hair healthier. Remember a trim is only about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of hair. Once you’ve gotten your trim your hair will be full, even, and most importantly easy to work with. Get your trim from a stylist you trust for the best results or trim your hair using sharp hair scissors designed for cutting hair.

What are the tell all signs that you notice when it is time to trim your hair?

Petition To Comb Blue Ivy's Hair

Beyoncé Likes Blue Ivy’s Afro Despite Critics


If you haven’t heard, Jasmine Toliver started an online petition on after new pictures of the Carter Family surfaced online.

Honestly, I don’t know whether to be more disappointed in which is a platform for social change or Ms. Toliver.

Petition To Comb Blue Ivy's HairMy stance on Blue Ivy’s hair has always been that she’s a baby.  And you know I have a toddler so I know how that goes.

But in the latest pic, Jay, Bey, and baby are returning from vacation. Not even Queen Bey is sporting fresh hair and make-up.  So why target the 2 year old?

This is what Jasmine Toliver (who had deleted her Facebook page) had to say

My joke took off anything I guess with “sign a petition” is funny if I would’ve said “sign a petition to save Lebron James hairline” that would’ve took off to! It’s a clever joke.! Nobody came up with before. These blogs and websites are doing the most. My hair look like blue ivy right now except its moisturized and detangled. Yes I’m natural.! Have a seat to most people. I can care less about Beyoncé or jay-z but I do care for the kids hair. People make nothing out of something. I love being black! I’m proud my bloodline runs from Africa. I’m proud of my own tightly coiled kinks. I’m proud of my big lips and brown skin. People just need to breath and chill out.

Beyonce responded with video Formation with line “I like my baby hair with baby hair and afros”. Video below.

Petition To Comb Blue Ivy's Hair

Is Blue Ivy Petition Creator, Jasmine Toliver, a CyberBully of a 2 Year Old?

If you haven’t heard, Jasmine Toliver started an online petition on after new pictures of the Carter Family surfaced online.

Honestly, I don’t know whether to be more disappointed in which is a platform for social change or Ms. Toliver.

Petition To Comb Blue Ivy's HairMy stance on Blue Ivy’s hair has always been that she’s a baby.  And you know I have a toddler so I know how that goes.

But in the latest pic, Jay, Bey, and baby are returning from vacation. Not even Queen Bey is sporting fresh hair and make-up.  So why target the 2 year old?

This is what Jasmine Toliver had to say

My joke took off anything I guess with “sign a petition” is funny if I would’ve said “sign a petition to save Lebron James hairline” that would’ve took off to! It’s a clever joke.! Nobody came up with before. These blogs and websites are doing the most. My hair look like blue ivy right now except its moisturized and detangled. Yes I’m natural.! Have a seat to most people. I can care less about Beyoncé or jay-z but I do care for the kids hair. People make nothing out of something. I love being black! I’m proud my bloodline runs from Africa. I’m proud of my own tightly coiled kinks. I’m proud of my big lips and brown skin. People just need to breath and chill out.



10 Ways to Get Rid of Dry, Unmoisturized Natural Hair

These 10 Tips for moisturizing natural hair will leave you with more hydrated hair.


For a limited time you can download FREE Guide to Moisturized Hair: Click Here to Download

1.  Shampoo your hair.  No matter your method (meaning whether you’re using a shampoo bar, cleansing cream or some other gentle sulfate-free product), keep your hair clean.  Although it seems counterintuitive — since the wash process can be drying — shampooing your hair removes product buildup that prevents products from penetrating your hair shaft.

For a limited time you can download FREE Guide to Moisturized Hair: Click Here to Download

If your efforts to add moisture to your hair seem in vain, then it may be time for a shampooing session. Your products may simply be sitting on top of your hair, rather than moisturizing it.

SEE ALSO: 5 Signs You May Need A Clarifying Shampoo

2.  Pre-poo your hair.  If you hair feels excessively dry during the wash process, then consider pre-pooing your hair with an oil of your choice.  Coconut oil is a great option for pre-pooing hair since it reduces protein loss that occurs during the wash process.

SEE ALSO: 5 Reasons Coconut Oil Rocks For Natural Hair

3.  Co-wash your hair.  Does your hair feel excessively dry in between shampoos? Need an extra boost of moisture? Then try co-washing your hair for that extra boost.  Many times, if your hair is very dry, the only way to regain moisture is for it to be soaked in water. The important thing is to seal in that moisture with an oil or butter like shea butter.

SEE ALSO: 10 Co-wash Conditioners You Should Know  |  10 Oils Great for Natural Hair

10 Tips for Moisturizing Natural Hair4. Steam your hair. Don’t want to co-wash your hair mid-week? Consider steaming your hair.  The QRedew Handheld Steamer is a great way to steam your hair on the go.

Another option is to steam your hair in the shower.  Steaming your hair is a great way to lift the hair cuticle so that  products can better penetrate the hair.  Furthermore, steaming is much less wear and tear on your hair than co-washing your hair.

5. Deep condition your hair. If you’ve been skipping the deep conditioning portion of your wash, then it’s time to add this important step back to your hair regimen.

For even better results, use indirect heat so that the conditioner can better penetrate the hair.  When selecting a conditioner, pick one that specifically states “deep conditioner” or “conditioning masque” on the bottle. These conditioners are specifically designed for deep conditioning. Here’s a list of our 5 Favorite Deep Conditioners.

6.  Use the LOC (Liquid-Oil-Cream) method to moisturize your hair.  In this method, the water moisturizes your hair, the oil helps your hair hold onto the water molecules, and the cream locks in the moisture. For more information about the LOC Method, read LOC Method for Natural Hair.

7.  Use a water-based moisturizer. Water is the key to moisture.  So, no, grease will not moisturize your hair.  Instead, find a daily moisturizer where the first ingredient is water or make your own with these 5 DIY Moisturizing Sprays.

If you like products like shea butters and oils, remember to spritz your hair with water then seal in that moisture using the LOC method described above.

8. Don’t be afraid of water. I know I just mentioned it, but it’s worth repeating. With a relaxer, water is not your friend.

But with natural hair, water is your best friend. Yes, humidity, will frizz out your hair.  Rain will ruin your blow out.

In time, you will learn the tricks for styling your hair under these conditions. But while you figure it out, don’t forget that water is still your friend.

9. Drink water! Healthy hair begins with a healthy diet. And since our bodies is over 80% water and is needed to for almost every bodily function, you shouldn’t forget to drink it. Drinking water and eating a healthy diet are much more effective at growing healthy hair than any vitamin.

10.  Pay attention to your hair’s moisture. If your hair feels dry and brittle, make sure that you’re properly moisturize your hair. If you hair feels limp and lifeless, then you hair may actually over-moisturized. [It’s possible.] Constantly assess your hair needs and act accordingly. Don’t wait until major breakage occurs before you act.

See also: Your Hair Isn’t Unmanageable. It’s Dry.

For a limited time you can download FREE Guide to Moisturized Hair: Click Here to Download

So there you have it! 10 tips for moisturized hair. Tell us in the Comment Section below

How Do You Moisturize Your Hair?

10 Tips for Moisturizing Natural Hair

These 10 Tips for moisturizing natural hair will leave you with more hydrated hair.

10 Tips for Moisturizing Natural Hair

1.  Shampoo your hair.  No matter your method (meaning whether you’re using a shampoo bar, cleansing cream or some other gentle sulfate-free product), keep your hair clean.  Although it seems counterintuitive — since the wash process can be drying — shampooing your hair removes product buildup that prevents products from penetrating your hair shaft.

If your efforts to add moisture to your hair seem in vain, then it maybe time for a shampooing session. Your products may simply be sitting on top of your hair, rather than moisturizing it.

SEE ALSO: 5 Signs You May Need A Clarifying Shampoo

2.  Pre-poo your hair.  If you hair feels excessively dry during the wash process, then consider pre-pooing your hair with an oil of your choice.  Coconut oil is a great option for pre-pooing hair since it reduces protein loss that occurs during the wash process.

SEE ALSO: 5 Reasons Coconut Oil Rocks For Natural Hair

3.  Co-wash your hair.  Does your hair feel excessively dry in between shampoos? Need an extra boost of moisture? Then try co-washing your hair for that extra boost.  Many times, if your hair is very dry, the only way to regain moisture is for it to be soaked in water. The important thing is to seal in that moisture with an oil or butter like shea butter.

SEE ALSO: 10 Co-wash Conditioners You Should Know  |  10 Oils Great for Natural Hair

10 Tips for Moisturizing Natural Hair4. Steam your hair. Don’t want to co-wash your hair mid-week? Consider steaming your hair.  The QRedew Handheld Steamer is a great way to steam your hair on the go.

Another option is to steam your hair in the shower.  Steaming your hair is a a great way to lift the hair cuticle so that  products can better penetrate the hair.  Furthermore, steaming is much less wear and tear on your hair than co-washing your hair.

5. Deep condition your hair. If you’ve been skipping the deep conditioning portion of your wash, then it’s time to add this important step back to your hair regimen.

For even better results, use indirect heat so that the conditioner can better penetrate the hair.  When selecting a conditioner, pick one that specifically states “deep conditioner” or “conditioning masque” on the bottle. These conditioners are specifically designed for deep conditioning. Here’s a list of our 5 Favorite Deep Conditioners.

6.  Use the LOC (Liquid-Oil-Cream) method to moisturize your hair.  In this method, the water moisturizes your hair, the oil helps your hair hold onto the water molecules, and the cream locks in the moisture. For more information about the LOC Method, read LOC Method for Natural Hair.

7.  Use a water-based moisturizer. Water is the key to moisture.  So, no, grease will not moisturize your hair.  Instead, find a daily moisturizer where the the first ingredient is water or make your own with these 5 DIY Moisturizing Sprays.

If you like products like shea butters and oils, remember to spritz your hair with water then seal in that moisture using the LOC method described above.

8. Don’t be afraid of water. I know I just mentioned it, but it’s worth repeating. With a relaxer, water is not your friend.

But with natural hair, water is your best friend. Yes, humidity, will frizz out your hair.  Rain will ruin your blow out.

In time, you will learn the tricks for styling your hair under these conditions. But while you figure it out, don’t forget that water is still your friend.

9. Drink water! Healthy hair begins with a healthy diet. And since our bodies is over 80% water and is needed to for almost every bodily function, you shouldn’t forget to drink it. Drinking water and eating a healthy diet are much more effective at growing healthy hair than any vitamin.

10.  Pay attention to your hair’s moisture. If your hair feels dry and brittle, make sure that your properly moisturize your hair. If you hair feels limp and lifeless, then you hair may actually over-moisturized. [It’s possible.] Constantly assess your hair needs and act accordingly. Don’t wait until major breakage occurs before you act.

See also: Your Hair Isn’t Unmanageable. It’s Dry.

So there you have it! 10 tips for moisturized hair. Tell us in the Comment Section below

How Do You Moisturize Your Hair?


6 Ways to Refresh your Natural Hair & Scalp after a Workout

6 Ways to Refresh your Natural Hair & Scalp after a Workout

natural hair and the gym, working out with natural hair

When it comes to working out, natural hair can have its benefits but a lot of women such as myself do a lot of sweating in the scalp when staying active. Sweat is pretty much water just and salt but over time this mixture can wreak havoc on your natural hair strands by drying out the hair, which can ultimately lead to breakage.

For some women who are in the gym or working out 2-3 times a week or more, having to wash your natural strands after every workout may be impractical and inconvenient. So, what’s a curly girl to do?

Luckily, there are ways you can refresh your scalp and maintain a clean, healthy and refreshed scalp without having to deal with a soaking wet head of hair 2-3 times a week. 

Here are 6 ways you can refresh your scalp after a vigorous, sweaty workout;


1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is widely loved for it antibacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a slightly medicinal smell and should never be applied without a carrier oil. You can mix tea tree oil with any type of oil, vegetable glycerin, or even Aloe Vera and apply to the scalp. You may notice a slight tingling and refreshed feeling minutes after applying. Tea tree oil will prevent any fungus or bacteria from growing on the scalp. Be sure to wash your hands after handling tea tree oil.

Buy Tea Tree Oil

Click Next Page

Natural Hair Problems Unclogging That Drain

Natural Hair Problems: Unclogging That Drain

Natural Hair Rules

Follow @naturalhairrule on Instagram

This is my least favorite thing to do.

Okay… Scratch that…

I hate to unclog the drain in my bathroom shower but with this thick, long natural hair *insert sigh*,  it’s my duty.  I mean, I feel obligated.

With all the oils and butters that I use, a slow draining shower is a hazard. All those things settle and remain in the tub.

What if someone slipped and fail? That’s exactly what Shelli did, who I follow on Instagram. OMG!!! That’s one of my biggest fears.

Whenever the tub is draining slowly or water starts to fill the tub during showers, I know what time it is.

Got to unclog that tub…

Yea, I’ve tried Draino, Vinegar/Baking Soda, and even those hair catchers (which usually don’t fit) but this hair… Its stubborn and always has been. The only way is to go in after it.

I know I’m not the only one.  So I wanted to share these two videos on how to remover the stopper.

Once you remove the stopper, you can easily clear the nest of soap, conditioner and hair build-up with needle-nose pliers or tweezers for an easy flowing drain.  It will be like new, again!

Photo Credit: Flickr

In the comment section below tell me…

Have You Had This Problem? What Do You Use? How Often Do You Clean Your Drain?